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  • Obtaining Positive Qualities as a Trucker

Obtaining Positive Qualities as a Trucker

At Reliable Permit Solutions, we know how important it is to deliver right on schedule, perhaps even early. Setting your standards high for yourself can present you with many opportunities from your dispatcher as well as the from the customers you serve. Whether you know it or not, if you’re a trucker, you’re in competition with every other trucker on the road, even those from your own fleet. Why? Because being reliable, agreeable, and patient is a hot commodity, and every trucker should learn to have these qualities.

Complaining and Griping

Something you might come across if you’re new to trucking (or something you might experience yourself, if you let it) is complaints about dispatchers and certain routes, complaints about schedules and difficult customers, complaints about certain jobs… The list goes on and on. Just like any job, people will find something to complain about. But trucking can be one of the most liberating jobs if you allow it to be and have the determination to tackle any obstacle that comes your way, even jobs that may seem unsavory to you at first. There’s good money to be made for those that remain strong when normal people would grumble and whine. Dispatchers will thank you, customers will thank you, and your wallet will thank you.

Being Agreeable

You may not think it, but trucking requires a good set of communication skills to work with dispatchers, fellow truckers, and customers. When things don’t go your way, it can be easy to become frustrated and angry. But being agreeable in the face of disagreeable circumstances can make the difference between being an average trucker and an exceptional one. Even when schedules are thrown off or truck parts break down, a positive attitude can make a bleak situation 100% better for yourself and everyone around you. It less about how long you can sit in the driver’s seat and more about how flexible you are when problems arise.

We know your goal is to be the best trucker on the road, and we want to help you succeed. When you need a permit or route consulting, contact Reliable Permit Solutions. We can get your permit quickly and help you stay on schedule.


2023-06-23T16:18:40+00:00April 5th, 2018|Blogs|