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Blogs, News & Resources

The Best Mobile Apps for Truckers

Mobile applications can help you save time and money and keep in touch with loved ones. Know what apps you should download in your phone through this guide.

2025-01-18T08:26:15+00:00January 3rd, 2020|Blogs|

How to Make the Most of Trucking Pros and Cons

There's a lot of freedom on the road, but pro trucking has its ups and downs like any other job. Along with the ability to be your own boss comes the added responsibility of carrying loads worth thousands of dollars to their destination. Managing your

2023-11-24T03:49:23+00:00December 9th, 2019|Blogs|

How to Increase your Chances of Getting High-Paying Freight Loads

As a trucker, your livelihood depends on the loads you deliver. Whether you’re the owner-operator of your very own single-truck business or the proprietor of a fleet of trucks, you’re always looking for the loads that will pay very handsomely. This is easier said

2022-06-17T20:00:43+00:00June 14th, 2019|Blogs|

Tips for Starting a Trucking Company of Your Own

If you fancy life on the road then the OTR or Over the Road Trucking Business may be for you. Driving across the country delivering loads may not seem like much, but it is a very profitable and very accessible career for most OTR

2022-06-17T20:01:25+00:00May 14th, 2019|Blogs|

OTR Trucker Driving Safety Tips

As on Over the Road (OTR) Trucker; your livelihood, and even your very life; depends on your driving ability and skill. However, there may be times when you are tempted to leave caution at the door and engage in some risky driving; or times

2022-12-05T12:08:38+00:00April 25th, 2019|Blogs|

Essential items for OTR Truckers to bring

Being on the road can be a bit stressful if you’re not prepared. For OTR Truckers, having the essential items with you can spell the difference between being able to deliver the loads on time or having road emergencies that cause missed deadlines. In order

2019-06-10T15:10:20+00:00February 5th, 2019|Blogs|

Best Practices to Avoid Trucking Scams

As a Truck Driver you have to deal with a lot of things. Making sure that you get the loads, making sure that they are delivered on time and everything else in between. As if these things weren’t enough to worry about, there is

2023-09-21T16:30:11+00:00January 1st, 2019|Blogs|

Saving money while on the Road

The life of a trucker can be a bit challenging, but it can also be financially rewarding: that is, unless you aren’t good at managing your finances. Sure, you have to spend for food and parts, truck maintenance, and bills payments; but that doesn’t

2023-08-29T16:59:56+00:00August 17th, 2018|Blogs|

How to Select the Right Trailer for Heavy Haul Trucking

Truckers are called upon to transport cargo all over the US. More often than not, they are tasked to deliver incredibly heavy and incredibly huge loads; items that you would never think could be delivered by truck: huge construction pylons, bridge beams, generators, industrial

2025-01-18T08:23:16+00:00July 18th, 2018|Blogs|

How to Keep your Truck in Tip-Top Shape

Being a trucker is a demanding job. In a previous blog post, we gave you tips on how to stay fit while on the road. But just as keeping yourself in shape is important, you also have to see to the maintenance and upkeep

2022-12-05T11:59:07+00:00June 18th, 2018|Blogs|